(sorry I keep posting pictures of food everyday nothing else interests me as much. Those that are interesting comes in large streams so please wait. :P I think I'm gonna gain like, 5 kg when I come back cause I keep eating and eating and eating and eating everyday zomg.)
MY DREAM JOB IS TO BE A FOOD JOURNALIST SO I CAN EAT GOOD FOOD EVERYDAY! Nah, that's not possible ): I don't know what to write for the next 3 pics, its just really pretty inside
Cute deco! Oink! (^(00)^)
my very cute cousin couldn't come cause he has to go to school ): The one in the middle just finished his first examination so he was able to make it today. First semester in Hongkong starts in september.
Oh, and my brother arrived in hk yesterday night so the only chance to use the com is when he's away cause he keeps hogging the com -_-
Bread and butter
Smoked salmon for appetiser! I got a shot of the forks and knives, (always start from outside in). I picked a few simple dining etiqutte from some learning lab booklet a few years ago LOL. Come to think of it, I kinda miss going to learning lab with Eliz yeo as my teacher ):
the yellow stuff's fruit sauce! The salmon was great.
I forgot what its called but its my brother's.
...this killed a goose. Or tortured. The holy foie gras which I got really disgusted at the other time, remember? Such a big piece somemore O: it came with my brother's meal and well..I admit I had abit of it. Tastes very fattening as expected with oil oozing out O:
Comes with raspberry sauce, a dab of oil and a patty.
My main course. Smoked ham sandwich with avacado sauce and some other thing which attracted me into ordering this dish. I suddenly forgot what it was called -__-
Anyway didn't like it much cause I'm not exactly a BIG fan of sandwiches or burgers PLUS my brother's turkey breast and my mom's risotto was making my mouth water. Bread is, of course, dry. ): The french fries were DAMN GOOD though! :D
I passed my camera around cause its too stupid to walk around taking pictures and I can't bear leaving the place without taking a picture of everything we've eaten. -__-
That's my brother's turkey breast! I had turkey breast linguine for dinner yesterday night and there's a big difference between the texture of the meat...
Mom's risotto. Risotto's supposed to be Italian and this is a french restaurant but my mom says its really delicious so who cares.
my red wine pear! First time I picked out a dessert within a minute (I admit I'm much too indecisive), because it looked very unique. Sounds great too. Tastes VERY good.
This should be it. (click) Some simple recipe!
Pear soaked in wine, but it has a very strong cinammon taste so I don't think anybody will get drunk after eating this.
My brother's molten lava chocolate cake
My aunt! (4th aunt) O have 5 aunts and 1 uncle on my mom's side O:
brb in awhile my brother's back from his shopping trip and he needs the com. He got himself a 250 gb portable hardisk I THINK I NEED A HARDDRIVE MORE THAN HE DOES ): My com at home is lagging like mad already and I won't delete my songs or pictures!
Thumbdrives are really cheap here though, I got a 8 GB sandisk cruzer for hkd 118 hahaha. The mouse over here sucks so he got a new mouse too, finally!
Mhmm, I also got myself a pair of nike dunks but I realised they're abit too guyish looking, how?? -__- Its for school next year cause my current pair sucks.
Some shopkeeper made me disappointed yesterday too ): There was a pair of sneakers I really liked but there wasn't my size so she said we could order. So we tried on the size for other colours of the same design and when we were about to pay for the order, she suddenly said she can't order for us cause she needs up to 5 orders -__- She probably thinks we won't order and casually blabbered that out, hoping that we'd buy another colour after trying it on zzz.
No wait, I think I need to go to my grandma's place for dinner soon so seeyou at night! Damn I need to exercise those fats ALL go to my paunch. >:[
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